
Profiles of Success

Automotive, Business Owner, Education


Growing up, both my wife and I were taught to go to school, get a good education and get a good job. We did that. I joined the Air Force, was in the automotive industry for years and then owned mortgage companies. My wife was in retail management for 20 years, and she is currently in administration at a private girls’ school.

Our PPLSI journey began in November 1999. At the constant insistence of a friend, I attended a luncheon hosted by Mr. Frank AuCoin, and I immediately saw this extraordinary opportunity. We had the opportunity to earn an income while offering a service that truly helps people with everyday life situations. We could be in control of our time, our efforts and our income!

Affordable access to the legal justice system is needed now more than ever! I have been in PPLSI for over 11 years now; we’ve been Performance Club qualified for 124 months, earned our $100,000 Ring and earned the Production Achievement award.

Because of our unconditional faith in God, combined with the vision of the Stoneciphers and the leadership of our CEO and the entire Circle of Champions leadership team, we are proud to be a part of this amazing opportunity that is PPLSI. We are in for life and truly believe THE BEST IS YET TO COME!